About GrantGPS

Since 2015, GrantGPS has helped catalyze scholarship for researchers of all ranks and disciplines at Dartmouth.

GrantGPS Services

From Art History to Biochemistry & Cell Biology, GrantGPS offers grant research services to the departments in the Faculty of Arts & Sciences as well as to Dartmouth’s graduate and professional schools, such as the Geisel School of Medicine, the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, and the Thayer School of Engineering.

Supporting Dartmouth

With the aim of supporting faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and trainees during every aspect of their pursuit for funding and intellectual impact, we provide assistance with a host of associated tasks.

Get in Touch

We offer private consultations; grant-writing workshops; the development of opportunity lists and timelines; external reviews of grants in progress for which we provide honoraria and professional editing.



At GrantGPS, our goal is to help you thrive as a scholar at Dartmouth.

Our team and services are organized to meet a wide variety of needs across more than 50 disciplines.

Find out more about our team and their areas of expertise here.

We support federal grants from agencies that range from the NIH, the NSF, DoD, DOE, the NEH, and IMLS, among others. Grants may be for individual investigators or for teams interested in establishing a center. We also help with individual fellowship grants, such as the ACLS and the Guggenheim Foundation as well as residencies.


    • support large proposals

    • private consultations

    • grant-writing workshops

    • the development of opportunity lists and timelines

    • book proposal consultations and publishing guides

    • external reviews of grants in progress.



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