NIH NRSA Fellowship Grants

NIH Fellowships support predoctoral and postdoctoral training of individuals to undertake biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research.



A stipend is provided as a subsistence allowance for Kirschstein-NRSA fellows to help defray living expenses during the research training experience. It is not provided as a condition of employment with either the Federal government or the sponsoring institution.

Stipends must be paid in accordance with stipend levels established by NIH, which are based on a 12-month full-time training appointment.

In the event of early termination, the stipend will be prorated according to the amount of time spent in training.

Stipend Expenditure Types

When paying a PreDoc a stipend please use expenditure type 7005A.

When paying a PostDoc a stipend please use expenditure type 7006A.

Stipend Supplementation

Stipends can be supplemented by non-Federal funds as long as there are no additional obligation to the trainee.

Institutional Allowance

This fixed amount is intended to defray expenses for the individual Fellow, such as research supplies, equipment, travel to scientific meetings, and health insurance, and to otherwise help offset appropriate administrative costs of training.


The full amount of Tuition & Fees can be requested when submitting an application. However, Tuition & Fees will be awarded as follows:

Predoctoral Fellow = awarded 60% of the amount requested, up to $16,000/year
Postdoctoral Fellow = awarded 60% of the amount requested, up to $4,500/year


Stipends must be expended using the stipend level provided in the award; no funds can be rebudgeted into the stipend category to accommodate a stipend level different from the established NIH level. When a fellowship terminates early, any unexpended stipends must be returned and cannot be rebudgeted into any other budget category.

Institutional allowance is a fixed amount of money with a number of allowable costs. In the rare case where institutional allowance may be unexpended, it can only be rebudgeted into the tuition and fees category when tuition and fees have been awarded.

When tuition and fees is awarded, it is generally restricted and cannot be rebudgeted without NIH prior approval.

Facilities and Administrative Costs

F&A costs are not allowed on NIH NRSA Fellowships.


Termination Notice Guide and Form

Stipend Levels

NIH Grants Policy Statement on NRSA Fellowship Grants

NIH NRSA Fellowship Grant FAQs